Planning to
Study in Denmark

A Guide for Indian Students

The happiest country of the world, Denmark has made its mark by being consistently ranked in the top 10 best countries to live. With its highly valued educational methodologies and a strong emphasis on practical knowledge, Denmark is a growing nation in terms of being a study abroad nation and attracting overseas students with the amenities it provides.

Furthermore, there are countless reasons as to why this nation is continuing to allure myriad scholars.

Study in Denmark

Around 90% Danish people converse in English, thus the language barrier gets non-existent. Nonetheless, learning Danish will prove to be a good experience as you will get to know more about the culture and will grow your conversational levels.

In addition to these, most of Denmark’s population is of the young adults making acquainting with others easier. Another interesting fact about the Danes (Danish people) is that they prefer bicycles for commuting, which is lighter for the pockets and the environment.

Education System

The educational system of Denmark is divided into four:

Education System


Cost of Living (per month)