Planning to
Study in Cyprus

Insights into “Why Study in Cyprus?”

Known for its high-quality European Education system, Cyprus is home to luxurious hotels, sunny beaches and impeccable tourism services. Christened a Gateway for higher studies in other European countries, this beautiful island spends 7% of its GDP on its education sector, after Denmark and Sweden.

The best part about studying in Cyprus is that the colleges and universities follow the American System of Education, giving international students ample opportunities and broadening their horizons.

Study in Cyprus

Extremely affordable fees, English as a common mode of communication, rich in culture and history, and attractive climate all these factors make it one of the most popular study abroad destinations in Europe.

In addition, it caters to a healthy and multicultural society for students to adjust and live in. If you are planning to pursue your higher education abroad and are looking for some adventures, Cyprus is the country for you.

Famous as the Island of Love, Cyprus has emerged as a tourist attraction thus making a good marketplace for students and opening numerous job opportunities. The most popular courses in this beautiful nation are Hospitality Management and Business Administration.

Some of the key-point reasons to study in Cyprus are: