IELTS Speaking Mistakes:
The IELTS test is given to applicants who wish to relocate to an
English-speaking nation to pursue employment or studies. To take the IELTS exam, candidates must create a proper preparation plan. If they don’t have a plan for preparation, they risk receiving shallow exam band scores. The band score is between 0 and 9 on a scale. To receive a band score of 8 or higher on the
IELTS speaking exam, candidates must steer clear of the mistakes listed below.
Speaking Mistake 1: Trying to Memorise Answers
IELTS Speaking test candidates should not attempt to memorize their answers. In the instance of an IELTS writing test, it is possible. The examiner and candidates must communicate in real-time. Recalling responses won’t enable them to react promptly and accurately. This technique could make it more difficult for you to carry on the interview in conversation. It is recommended that candidates respond to the questions honestly rather than by memorization.
Speaking Mistake 2: Not Speaking Confidently
The IELTS Speaking exam may cause nervousness among candidates. You are not expected to talk like a news person by the examiners. Speaking English fluently and confidently can impress the examiner. It is recommended that candidates smile and maintain eye contact with the examiner.
Speaking Mistake 3: Going Off-topic
Candidates might easily go off-topic when they lose sight of the question or answer and do not understand the topic. Candidates should keep in mind that speaking up does not translate into higher grades. Rather than droning on, they have to answer the query. Candidates should ask themselves whether they comprehend the question before they speak. Ask the examiner to rephrase the question if necessary.
Speaking Mistake 4: Answering in Yes or No Without Any Elaboration
Depending on the question, candidates must respond with two to six sentences. Speaking less can also be a problem, even as speaking more is not always necessary. A candidate loses the chance to demonstrate their aptitude and fluency if they respond with a resounding “yes” or “no.” As a result, candidates need to be mindful to take a moment to gather their thoughts and speak clearly after posing the question.
Speaking Mistake 5: Repeating the Same Word or Sentence
Candidates must avoid using the same words or phrases again and over. It shows how little vocabulary you have. To improve their vocabulary, candidates should read newspapers, magazines, journals, etc.
Speaking Mistake 6: Weak Pronunciation
If a candidate has poor pronunciation, their band score could drop. Pronunciation accounts for 25% of the IELTS Speaking test, so candidates should pay close attention to it. Candidates should stay away from using technical terms and instead utilize synonyms they are comfortable with.
Speaking Mistake 7: Overusing Transition Words
Transitional phrases like “for example,” “first,” or “on the other hand” must be used by candidates. Use them sparingly though, as doing so may lower your band score. Additionally, candidates may use terms like “in addition” and “furthermore” in their formal writing. But avoid using them in speech as they may seem strange.
Speaking Mistake 8: Asking for Examiner’s Opinion
Transitional phrases like “for example,” “first,” or “on the other hand” must be used by candidates. Use them sparingly though, as doing so may lower your band score. Additionally, candidates may use terms like “in addition” and “furthermore” in their formal writing. But avoid using them in speech as they may seem strange.
Those who are willing to take the IELTS exam need to have a well-thought-out study strategy. The greatest online IELTS course with a reliable study schedule is offered by
EduQuest Global LLP. The top faculty members have prepared this course.